What to Expect On Shabbat
Kol Mashiach’s weekly Torah service, held every Saturday at 10am, is a wonderful blend of traditional and contemporary that incorporates music and worship within the structure of a Torah service.
Although our service is based on traditional liturgy, if you are a newcomer to this, don’t be worried! You don’t have to be a Hebrew scholar to worship with us. We provide siddurs in the pews and everything is projected in Hebrew with the transliteration for those who want to chant the Hebrew but do not know it or are rusty. We also include the transliteration (Hebrew words written with English letters) and the translation for you to follow along.
We have a nursery for babies and toddlers, Shabbat school for children, and a youth group for teens.
Following the service, we invite you to join us for kiddush, where there is coffee, food, and time to schmooze and build meaningful relationships with others in the synagogue. Our weekly Torah for Today time allows for a deeper dive into the word. Each week also features various classes and groups for young and old. Check out our Events page for more information.
At Kol Mashiach, we strive to create a community that is truly a family experience through activities, programs, and classes.

Message Series
Tehillim: The Book of Psalms
We are currently studying the book of Psalms. You can download the Psalms card here. Listen to past messages on our Media page.